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Our home page represents one of over 135 pages of this site and provides visitors with an introduction to what we offer here. It also provides connectivity to interactive content, giving a better educational overview of what the Christian faith is all about.
The presentation of this website presents spiritual ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... concepts in a biblical and conceptual way about the creator God to anyone with an interest in their spiritual life, or anyone who seeks answers to questions along their spiritual journey.
Reference ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... Eternal Theological ConceptsThe term CONCEPT used on this website is not referring to abstract ideas of the mind. It is referring to truths that are organized by subject matter or issues and supported by the Scriptures through direct statements or good reasoning. (A concept stated in one of my books.) Scriptural evidence suppo... is a website presented from a biblicist viewpoint, and is not representing any church denomination’s interpretation of the Scriptures, or from a religious cult–defined as teaching one person’s private interpretation of the ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the .... We consider these conceptsThe term CONCEPT used on this website is not referring to abstract ideas of the mind. It is referring to truths that are organized by subject matter or issues and supported by the Scriptures through direct statements or good reasoning. (A concept stated in one of my books.) Scriptural evidence suppo... or views agreeing with a ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... Orthodox view; A view historically in line with the teachings of God the Father and his Prophets, and God the Son, Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, as written in the original ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the ....
We designed our website for non-believers, new Christians, and seasoned Christians functioning at any stage in life, to include those Christians working toward a degree or advanced degrees in Bible or Theology. Depending on where you are in your spiritual journey, we leave you the following information about this website, as listed on our menu bar above:
- Doctrinal Studies Index—Bible studies written for non-believers and new Christians.
- Word Study Index—Written in Bible Encyclopedia format for a better understanding.
- Essay Index—A deeper study using ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... conceptsThe term CONCEPT used on this website is not referring to abstract ideas of the mind. It is referring to truths that are organized by subject matter or issues and supported by the Scriptures through direct statements or good reasoning. (A concept stated in one of my books.) Scriptural evidence suppo... for those looking for more.
- Education Index–ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... educational resources for ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... individuals and churches.
- Interactive Links—Designed to bring interactive links for everyday use of our visitors.
- Stay Informed Page—Providing website and news links from multiple sources, on multiple topics, from conservative perspectives. (Found Under “Interactive Links” tab above.)
- RCETC Magazine—is our single continuous running magazine, with articles added from time to time, comprising of ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... guest writers and ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... reprint articles from ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... authors, as posted on FaithWriters.com.
- For the convenience of those looking for a way to read the Bible in their own language, RCETC makes available the link: Biblis.com, and can be found on our “Interactive Link” page.
- And for those that want to hear the ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the ... read in their own language, we make available the audio Bible provided by “Talking Bibles”, located under the “Interactive Links” tab above.
- Our RECIPROCAL LINKS Directory offers link connectivity to many ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... Ministry websites worldwide and can be accessed through clicking on “Interactive links” on the menu bar above.
This website is simple to get around on and if you have any comments or questions, contact us. I hope that this ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... website will be informative and helpful in your search for the truth in your spiritual journey. If you have questions about the ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... Faith or its biblical doctrines on any level, ask your questions using our “Contact Us” form.
John 6:35—Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (NASB)
CHRISTIANAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... DEVOTIONAL FEED
Words of Hope Good News. All Ways.
- Great Prayer, Great Faithby Stan Mast on January 17, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: John 17:6-21 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. (v. 15 NIV) Our story yesterday from Matthew 14 is a picture of where we live much of the time. We row across a stormy sea, battered by the elements, struggling
- The Sands of Doubtby Stan Mast on January 16, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Matthew 14:22-31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (v. 31 NIV) Does Jesus’s question to Peter make you uncomfortable? I was raised in a church that did not prize doubt. The old Heidelberg Catechism taught me that the Apostles’ Creed is
- Next Stepsby Steve Petroelje on January 15, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (v. 13) I hope this series on biblical resolutions has encouraged you in living the ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... life. As you strive to engage in a spiritual discipline, live as a steward, rely on the Holy Spirit,
- Live With an Attitude of Gratitudeby Steve Petroelje on January 14, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Psalm 16:5-11 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices. (v. 9) If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you are currently experiencing winter. Winter includes colder temperatures and less daylight. Along with the lack of warmth and sunshine, you might also feel discouraged in this season following the conclusion of the
- Have a Kingdom Agendaby Steve Petroelje on January 13, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Mark 1:14-15 The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel. (v. 15) Author Reggie McNeal defines the kingdom of God this way: “Life as God intends it.” Unfortunately, following the rebellion of Satan and the fall of humankind into sin, life often isn’t what it could be. Sin taints
- Experience the Blessing of Sabbathby Steve Petroelje on January 12, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. (vv. 13-14) Read Deuteronomy 5:12-15 and circle or write down the words that stand out to you. Perhaps these words stuck out to you as they did to me: Sabbath,
- Time Managementby Steve Petroelje on January 11, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Ephesians 5:15-17 . . . making the best use of the time. (v. 16) Each day we have 24 hours to use, which equates to 1,440 minutes or 86,440 seconds. You have chosen to use a few minutes to read this devotional. How will you spend the remaining hours, minutes, and seconds of this
- Live by the Spiritby Steve Petroelje on January 10, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Galatians 5:16-25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. (v. 25) Yesterday we were reminded of the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. Most of the biblical resolutions we’re covering in these first fifteen days of the New Year are difficult to live out. Because of
- Rely on the Holy Spiritby Steve Petroelje on January 9, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: John 14:15-27 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth. (vv. 16-17) Think of items you have used today that required a power source, such as an alarm clock, coffee maker, hair dryer, vehicle, air conditioner, or cell phone. Believers
- Repent and Forgiveby Steve Petroelje on January 8, 2025 at 5:00 AM
Read: Matthew 18:21-35 Should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you? (v. 33) We are a week into the New Year and likely all of us have something to repent of and someone to forgive. We are imperfect people living in a world tainted by sin. Just
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