Newest Website Updates

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The challenges of website building are not always things our visitors can see. Considerations such as security, site appearance flexibility and feature ability are all important factors in decision making when trying to bring a website to the public. This update will help bring you up to speed on our most resent website changes, with the goal of keeping you in the loop on the continuing development of this domain.

As we have mentioned in past updates, we have committed to a WordPress based format. By doing this, we believe we have the best opportunities for better security and flexibility in site appearance and features. If you have visited us in the past, you will have noticed we made some more major changes to our site as of May 16, 2016, and hopefully for the better.

The newest major change came with a change in our Theme template. The new template will allow us greater flexibility in appearance and features, without the need to upgrade to a more advanced version or change internal coding to get the results we strive for. We now can change colors, fonts, menu systems and page layouts in a more flexible manor by our webmaster, without recoding internal script language. Another words, this Theme will allow us the kinds of flexibility we seek without paying for a more advanced version that many WordPress Themes build themselves around.

Other internal changes have been for better website security, so if your web browser has any issues accessing our domain, please contact us and let us know what type of issue you are having. If our domain server is up and running, the problem could be with our security features, so don’t hesitate contacting us over this issue. If we can help, we will try to accommodate your situation. But in the end, security for the majority will always come first.

The changes that you can see are related to our header and footer content, as well as our menu systems and Magazine home page section. The header is the top part of our site with the theme picture, website title, search bar and language selection option. The footer is all of the dark brown-black area at the bottom of all our pages.

We made some changes to our menus and moved some links around to hopefully make things easy for everyone to access all we have to offer here. Changes have been made to our Magazine Front Page and side panel menu system. We added to that side panel better access to our Lexicon feature through a link to the full Lexicon archive page, while adding a Lexicon tag feature, listing all the words in our Lexicon by their tag name. If you have any confusion about how to access any of our pages, just visit our “Site Map Index” link found in the footer area of all our pages.

I am sure there are a few other minor changes that you will notice, but all in all, I believe the transition went well, as we continue to strive to bring better improvement for the benefit of all our visitors. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your visit here. If you have any questions about what you find on this site, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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