Reference ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More Eternal TheologicalAny person or subject that relates or is tied to the Study of God is considered theological. Example: A "theological student" is a person that studies the subject matter of God. A theological viewpoint is an opinion about God based on a persons interpretation of the Scriptures or Bible. ConceptsThe term CONCEPT used on this website is not referring to abstract ideas of the mind. It is referring to truths that are organized by subject matter or issues and supported by the Scriptures through direct statements or good reasoning. (A concept stated in one of my books.) Scriptural evidence suppo... (RCETC) is a private entity, which provides this Internet site for public information purposes. The site’s owner is Reid Ashbaucher who was born in the United States and holds a B. A. degree in Comprehensive Bible from Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio; an M.A. degree in ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana; and has completed some postgraduate work towards a Ph.D. in Religious Studies endorsed by Canterbury Christ Church University, England. Reid is semi-retired with 35 years of experience in the electronic communications industry, who worked as an Electronics Technician and Radio Broadcast Engineer; Reid is now an author and owner of Reid Ashbaucher Publications.
RCETC’s MISSION is to promote the reality of God’s words as recorded in the Holy ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the ... and demonstrated through the salvationSalvation within the Scriptures (Bible) simply means to save that which was lost. In reference to humanity, the Scriptures teach that because the first humans (Adam and Eve) sinned against God, the human race became lost to God, thus needing to be saved or redeemed by God. Jesus Christ said it this ... More of mankind, the creation of all things, and the holy living of God’s people. exist to carry out this mission by providing ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More content through web resources for the edification of the body of Christ, worldwide, and to bring God’s truth to the world at an uncertain time in its history.
Reid has written six books. The first is called, Made in the Image of God: Understanding the Nature of God and Mankind in a Changing World (First Edition, 2011 – Revised Edition, 2016 – Second Revised Edition, 2017 – Third Revised Edition, 2020), and was written in the area of Theology/Metaphysics for the ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More church worldwide as it relates to the nature of God and Mankind. The second book is called, How To Understand And Live Your Faith (May 2017), and was written to the “body of Christ” worldwide, for clarifying all the disinformation and noise within the ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More community, providing a filter to help cut through all the noise. The third book is called, Conflict Within the Church (December 2018), the fourth book is a textbook called Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century (June 2019). The fifth book is called, Christianity 101: A Simpler Way Forward (First Edition – 2020) and was written for new believers or those seeking to know more about the ChristianAccording to the Bible, Christians are those that put their faith in Jesus Christ and follow him as Lord and King of their lives. To reject that Jesus is not equal in nature with God or reject the teaching of the Trinity of God would forfeit anyone's claim to be called Christian. (Acts 11:26, 26:28;... More faith in general. The sixth book is called, Introduction to Bible DoctrineBible doctrine is any subject within the Bible that is taught as a principle, law or commandment. Some would hold that the wisdom advice given in the book of Psalms and Proverbs could be classified as doctrine as well, because of the many principle concepts that can be applied to everyday life.: Ten Foundational Truths behind Christianity (Dec. 2020). For more information, click here.
If you wish to correspond, just click on the “Contact Us” link above under “Our Information” and address your correspondence to Reid. We trust what you find on this site is helpful and thought-provoking.