Regeneration – Regeneration means, “born again” and comes from the Greek word paliggenesia (pal-ing-ghen-es-ee’-ah; NT:3825; Strong’s number definition), and is used twice in the New TestamentThe New Testament is a collection of 27 books, all written in Greek within the first century A.D. Twenty three of these books were written by the Apostles of Jesus Christ, two were written by Dr. Luke a Christian medical doctor who traveled with the Apostle Paul, and two books were written by James ... More. Titus 3:5 states: “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” (NASBNASB stands for "New American Standard" version of the Bible. The NASB was produced through the Lockman Foundation in 1960 and its translation is based on the Hebrew text and the Alexandrian Text type of the Greek New Testament, with NT copies dating as early as the second century A.D.) Matthew 19:28 states: “And Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (NASBNASB stands for "New American Standard" version of the Bible. The NASB was produced through the Lockman Foundation in 1960 and its translation is based on the Hebrew text and the Alexandrian Text type of the Greek New Testament, with NT copies dating as early as the second century A.D.)
To be “born again” as spoken of in John 3:3 and explained in the following passages is a product of the work of the Holy Spirit, and carries the concept of receiving a new spiritual nature. It is clear from Jesus’ words that without this event of being “born again” in one’s life or following him after regeneration, we cannot have any part of His Kingdom or of Him.
To have a new spiritual nature is to have the ability to formulate a proper attitude toward God and produce what the ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the ... call the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:21-24 states: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (NASBNASB stands for "New American Standard" version of the Bible. The NASB was produced through the Lockman Foundation in 1960 and its translation is based on the Hebrew text and the Alexandrian Text type of the Greek New Testament, with NT copies dating as early as the second century A.D.) The Scripture implies that only those that have been regenerated have the capacity to demonstrate such capacity with consistency. This is demonstrated through the ScripturesThe Scriptures, as spoken of on this site, represents the 66 books found in the Protestant Bible, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books found in the New Testament. It is our view that these books were written between 1446 BC and 96 AD, representing a time span of about 1,500 years, by the ... contrasting the difference between our new and old nature as seen in Romans 3:10-18: “as it is written, There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, There is not even one. Their throat is an open grave, With their tongues they keep deceiving, The poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; Their feet are swift to shed blood, Destruction and misery are in their paths, And the path of peace have they not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (NASBNASB stands for "New American Standard" version of the Bible. The NASB was produced through the Lockman Foundation in 1960 and its translation is based on the Hebrew text and the Alexandrian Text type of the Greek New Testament, with NT copies dating as early as the second century A.D.) and Ephesians 5:8-12: “(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.” (NASBNASB stands for "New American Standard" version of the Bible. The NASB was produced through the Lockman Foundation in 1960 and its translation is based on the Hebrew text and the Alexandrian Text type of the Greek New Testament, with NT copies dating as early as the second century A.D.) (Also see: Galatians 5:22-24, Matthew 3:8-12, Matthew 7:17-1817 "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 "A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. (NASB).)
Regeneration takes place when we confess our sinfulness to God and place our trust and faith in God’s Son, Jesus ChristJesus Christ is the Son of the creator God, sharing in the same nature as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. As Jesus says, "I and the Father are one." (John 10:30; NASB), as the savior of our soul and the provider of the payment to God for our sin. As our physical birth is a one-time event in history so is our regeneration a one-time event in history.